Google Analytics

Google Analytics course will introduce attendees to the world of digital data measurement and drive analytical decision making process. Attendees will be able to appreciate the importance of website & mobile site/app data tracking, measurement and analysis for important strategic decisions. Attendees overlooking business & strategy functions will learn how to leverage the Digital Media Analytics in decision making and scouting opportunities by studying visitor segmentations, visitor demographics & geographical impacts on digital properties.

In this module, you’ll learn the basics of web analytics, you’ll know about the various types of analytical tools and the specific solutions they are used for.

Part 1. Google Analytics Training Basics

Part 2. Traffic Sources in Google Analytics

Module 2.

Part 1. Content Data Interpretation

Part 2. Visitors Data Interpretation

Part 3. Defining Goals & Ecommerce Tracking

Part 4. Google Analytics Revisited

Module 3. Optimization of Keyword List

Understanding of Search Terms

Revising keyword list

Using Other keyword tools

Use of Search-based keyword tool

Developing Insights for Search Terms

Module 4. Important information required for Analysis

Part 1. Google Analytics Best Practices: Creating Clean Data

Part 2. Analytics Intelligence

Part 3. How to use advanced segments in Google Analytics

Module 5.

Part 1. Best Practices: Engagement

Part 2. Best Practices: Understanding Conversion

Part 3. Best Practices: Reports Sharing with the Organization

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